Monday, May 22, 2017

Z.i.T Excursion

This week, as a part of our lessons, Z.I.T took an excursion to a People palace in Stone Town Zanzibar Island where our destination was Pwani Mchangani Village where there were so many activities like; running with sack, balloon bursting, Poems, Talent Show, Debate, Spelling killer etc.

When we arrived at 10:00am we were greeted by local Tour Guide where he told us the short history about People Museum “This is a large white building with castellated battlements situated on Mizingani Road, where the latter runs very close to the sea. Originally called the Sultan's Palace, it was built in the late 1890s for members of the sultan's family. From 1911, it was used as the Sultan of Zanzibar's official residence, but was renamed the People's Palace after the 1964 Revolution, when Sultan Jamshid was overthrown. It continued to be used as government offices until 1994 when the palace was turned into a museum dedicated to the history of the sultans of Zanzibar”.

After one hour we continued our excursion from Zanzibar town to Pwani Mchangani Village, though it is rainy season but the weather was so calm as it allowed us to do our activates. We first started with running with sack followed by balloon bursting and pulling the strings, what was funny women won against men in pull the strings, and in balloon the baby boy also won the game.

After all we started our main activities on the stage where we started with Speech which delivered by the founder of Z.i.T (Jaku Ali Vuai) then Poems, Drama, Spelling Killer and Debate, after all it was the time for our Guest of Honor (Head Master of Pwani Mchangani School) to deliver his speech,

Because there were so many things here we only give you one poem known as “I AM Z. i. T PLEASE LET ME GROW UP! which was played by Litham form Z.i.T.   

Why do you hate me so much?
I would real like to know,
I don’t think I can stand to put on this show.
I am Z. I. T please let me grow up!

It hurts me inside
And it makes you happy widely
But I don’t understand what you put me through
I am Z. I. T please let me grow up!

I am growing up inside,
But not the outside you see,
I know you still don’t want me to grow,
I am Z. I. T please let me grow up!

It hurts me really bad,
Worse than you know,
I want to grow up I’m not asking to go,
I am Z. I. T please let me grow up!

I want your trust,
And a bit of lee way too,
But that doesn’t mean I don’t still love you,
I am Z. I. T please let me grow up!

I am not asking your help,
So as grow up too fast
I just want to have fun, to grow without your help
I am Z. I. T please let me grow up!

You have done so many,
To stop me not to grow,
But all didn’t work out, as you can see the achievement
I am Z. I. T please let me grow up!

Please let’s say loudly “I am Z.I.T please let me grow”
One, two, three “I am Z.I.T please let me grow” Thank you so much for your attention