Thursday, March 30, 2017

Computer Class is on process

Z.I.T is always taking step forward day after day, now we have almost 30 students (Computer Students) with deferent level (Introduction of computer, Ms Word and Ms Publisher etc).

Today we would like to share the beautiful works done by Student (Introduction of Computer). They have almost two weeks and now they are working with Painting, here are some of their works.   

Friday, March 17, 2017

Debate Competition

This week there was a Debate in Z.I.T where two of our classes (Morning & Evening Class) Shared the stage for the motion says “Money is better than Education”. The morning class were for the motion and evening class were against the motion. The Ceremony was held by Ally Nadim from R.I.C English Center 

Yes team opened up the stage where Adam took part as the first speaker and followed by Fatma as the first speaker from No team. They continued to share the stage until the last contributor from no team.
The Debate came to be hot where both teams started to ask questions each other. The first question from No team was “if money is better than Education, why people pay a lot of money for education?” and the yes team asked “if your dad is hospitalized and in order to recover from his disease he must be sent to India so how can you use education to solve such a problem?”.

Every body’s heart was beating so fast when Mr. MC turn the other side of the coin by giving the chance to high table to say something about the debate and give out the result. The Chief judge stood up by starting to thanks the students for their wonderful performance after then he announced the great debater as Mr. Ally A.K.A Talent won the prize of a Z.I.T T.shirt  finally he official announced the winner. “the winner is No team which they were against the motion.

We hope we will continue doing so as the way of practicing and experience in speaking before the pup.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Another Step Foward

As we do for English Students to go stage after stage, now we are touching for the students who did exam previous week (stage one to stage two),  the coming week the result were given out as the young lady (Fatma Juma) appeared as the first student with 95%. After the results, students got a chance tow inter stage two (intermediate).
It was strange that students learned English in another step, so they appreciated to move from one step to another for the sake of increase their knowledge.
The official opening stage two was done by the director of ZIT Mr. Jaku as he is also the founder of this Association (ZIT)

All students were so impressed to inter in stage two. As volunteers, we say that…Education is the most power full weapon which can be used to change the life from bad two good.

the following week from that, we were able to open up the new shift of English Class. The class was held by T.Khadija, Now Z.I.T works with almost 100 youth for both English and Computer Class.