Friday, February 10, 2017


Every  9th  February  Z.I.T  wish  a  happy  birthday to its Staff JAku (Founder) Othman (Academic Officer). The people who were around during the small celebration couldn’t believe if both of them (JAku & Othman) were born same date and Month.

It was a bit funny in Z.I.T Office where Staff  and Students Had to  Cut the cake for  wishing  Happy Birthday to Them. “We are over  the moon to see you people  around us in the most important day in our lives, we really have nothing to pay you back but thank you millions for offering you time to join us, Let’s have same funny together”.  

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Official opening computer class.

After the renovation of the classroom, everybody was so eager to see the opening of Z.I.T computer classroom. 

The official opening was done by the director of Z.I.T Mr. Jaku as he is also the founder of This Association (Z.I.T). All the student ware so impressed and ask some questions of importance of Computer Skills. This is the great opportunity for Zanzibar Youth to gain computer skills such as;  Basic Computer Applications, Basic computer maintenance and Graphics Design Course.

The same week of opening Computer Room Students started to learn the introduction of computer where the trainer of Computer is Mr. Othman who is also Z.I.T Member.

We do have many Programs That we plan for Zanzibar Youths through Z.I.T but we feel sorry to say that we face with big challenge so that we cannot accomplish them due to the lack funds.
We are very happy to see our students contribute the small amount which some of them don’t have even that small.
To reach our goals Z.I.T needs funds from individual, association, Company and any one who would like to give.